Lockdown: How can they open Markets without Opening Churches? – Bishop Oyedepo

Following the Ease of Coronavirus Lockdown which allowed people to go market only, Bishop David Oyedepo, of Living Faith Worldwide, during his ‘Covenant Hour of Prayer‘ programme on Wednesday questioned why markets could be opened for six hours daily while churches remained closed adding that God spoke to him about the situation on Tuesday.
Bishop David Oyedepo Insisted on why markets should be open while churches remain closed

He said:
 “voice of darkness” has now targeted churches in the country by influencing people at various levels.

There is something wrong; for people to be allowed to be in the market for six hours and can’t be in church for two hours, it is an upside-down way of looking at things,” he said.

Which one is more orderly? The market or the church? I can smell a rat. The Lord spoke to me on it so strong yesterday.

I can smell a rat. Behind all this, how do we stop the church from exploding? The people involved don’t know it.

The voice of darkness is influencing people at various levels, targeting the church because the growth and expansion of the church is the greatest headache of the devil.

But the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. The devil and all his agents shall surely pay for this. I don’t know what hospital that records the kind of healing that the church of God records.

And now hospitals, where people die every day, are open, but the church is closed because the oppression of the devil has no medical cure.