CORONAVIRUS: Good News For All Blood Group "O"
Advantage Of Blood Group "0" Individuals Over Coronavirus
The coronavirus has truly been a danger to lives because of it's rising spread. Be that as it may, the government and health organizations has been doing everything it can to stop the spread. What's more, just as of late, a data is up about blood group that can confront the infection undoubtedly. Along these lines, in the event that your blood group is one of these, at that point you are really strong enough.
The health and fitness bodies has dropped a cruacial data of rundown of blood group that are equipped for battlling the killer virus.
Specialists at a Hong Kong emergency clinic studied this phenomenon and reported that people who were blood group O gave off an impression of being less defenseless to SARS-CoV than the individuals who were bunch A, B or AB. Specialists demonstrated that the virus could communicate antigens on its surface like those found in the ABH blood gathering. They likewise reported that naturally occurring anti-A antibodies were able to inhibit or even block the binding of the virus to the host cell.
This led to the theory that group O individuals, which have both anti-A and anti-B antibodies, may have some protection against infection.
The fact that blood types and their associated antibodies influence the immune response is one of the lines of inquiry into how the body is able to fight and overcome the infection.
The fact that blood types and their associated antibodies influence the immune response is one of the lines of inquiry into how the body is able to fight and overcome the infection.
How this occurs in COVID-19 still requires more study to build on the work already being done.
Another discovery is that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is unique and is 10-20 times more likely to attach to human cells. This could explain the increased and more rapid spread across populations.
The structure of these unique spike proteins matter enormously because they will form the basis for the development of a vaccine.
The ABO blood group has evolved in response to disease over thousands of years. The antigens and antibodies which form part of this system interact with cells of the immune system and are able to influence the way they react. As we get to know more about SARS-CoV-2 the role of blood types, if any, may become clearer.
On the off chance that likely you don't know your group kindly do so now.
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